
What our clients are saying

Our clients are our biggest supporters here at SkillShow. Since 2001, SkillShow has been upholding the highest standards for the happiest customers. Would you like to know what our clients think about us? Don't just take it from us, check it out for yourself in the testimonials below.

SkillShow played an important part in the success we enjoyed during the recruiting process. The video tapes allowed us to quickly respond to inquiries from college recruiters. It also makes for a very professional presentation. Below is a portion of an email I sent to Jerry Ford of Perfect Game about your fine service. Jerry, we also took advantage of your relationship with SkillShow for the video tapes on their website. These tools were a tremendous help during the recruiting process. In closing, keep up the good work! When other parents, starting the process, ask me for advice on the recruiting experience, I recommend they take a look at the TREMENDOUS VALUE your program offers.
Art "Buzz" Baumann
Tampa, Florida
Jake has been accepted to University of Redlands in Redlands, Calif. Even though he's a somewhat different ball player now than he was last June when the video was shot (modified stance/swing, 15 lbs heavier, 1-2 inches taller), the SkillShow video was instrumental in providing a quick and easy way for their coaching staff to see Jake in action and confirm their interest in him. Compared to the benefits of a great financial package and the opportunity for a quality education AND the chance to continue playing baseball, the cost of the SkillShow video was one of the best investments we made.
Ron Parham, Managing Director
PondelWilkinson Parham
We have seen lots of video over the years and we can state that SkillShow does the very best job of putting together high quality footage. We have received many calls from College Recruiters and Professional Scouts who agreed with our assessment. (SkillShow video is the best they've ever seen and very helpful). SkillShow continues to offer new services to young baseball players that have proven to be very valuable to scouts and recruiters. Perfect Game has had an exclusive agreement with SkillShow since they started in business and we continue to support them.
Jerry Ford, President
Perfect Game
Greg finally made his decision and has signed with the University of Hartford. Appreciate your service, the video you did was top notch.
Joseph Cinelli, Program Manager
L-3 Communication Systems - East
I will be playing for Johns Hopkins next year, largely due to my SkillShow video. I sent it to the coach and it interested him enough to come down to Virginia and see me play. Thank you.
Kevin Bilms

SkillShow Video Services

SkillShow offers filming and editings services for individuals, groups, team and events that ready to get to the next level.

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